Our Process

A few ways we’ve helped clients obtain greater financial certainty.

Step 1: Crafting a Tailored Financial Blueprint

Does the idea of creating a tax plan for the next year make you sigh? Are you aiming to pay the least amount in taxes legally permissible? Do you wish for comprehensive financial reports that convey your business’s state quickly and clearly? 

If you’re perpetually looking at your past taxes or dealing with tardy, lengthy reports, it’s likely you’re not achieving this goal. While unique, most clients we encounter are overpaying their taxes by 20 to 40%, and their financial reports lack actionable insights.

Akin to an archeologist, a traditional CPA digs into a year’s worth of financial history, examining documents like receipts, income statements, and W2s to understand past patterns and assess compliance. But should you simply look back or rather aspire to construct a better future? To truly optimize your tax situation, you need a financial architect instead, someone who can transform theoretical concepts into a solid tax strategy.

This is why we start by thoroughly diagnosing your financial situation, designing solutions that align with your goals, and ultimately saving you time and money. 

In the first 30 days of our engagement, we will:


Reimagine your tax situation, ensuring you utilize all available deductions and tax credits, align your entity structure for optimal audit protections, and consider retirement and wealth options.

Assess your accounting records for accuracy and completeness, and ascertain their relevance for decision-making. We will ensure the right systems are in place for your business’s growth.

Develop a compliance calendar for you, ensuring you have a clear snapshot of all deadlines.


Step 2: Blueprint to Reality

Every business is unique, and it needs more than just cookie-cutter tax and accounting advice. For each client, we adopt an architect’s approach, designing personalized solutions that may include:

Step 3: Sustained Support

Our unwavering support consists of two essential parts:

COMPLIANCE (Mandatory Responsibilities)

We prepare all forms of tax filings, including federal, state, and local across all 50 states and nearly 89,000 jurisdictions. We also manage any U.S.-required international tax filings or disclosures. We apply a meticulous weekly process to your bookkeeping and financial reporting, ensuring monthly reconciliations.

Strategy (Guided, Methodical Business Expansion)

We forecast your federal, state, and local tax liabilities to prevent April 15th surprises and devise a comfortable payment plan. Frequent strategic discussions facilitate minimal tax outlay while promoting growth and maintaining positive cash flow.

Your initial plan is designed to be evergreen, but as your business and the tax code evolve, we continuously update your plan. Remember, it's not just about what happened last year, but about aligning your future goals with the tax code. You need a financial architect who can guide you to build a robust financial future. Start today, not next winter.

Ready to get going? Get in touch now.